LoveLife - Week 40 Walk

Walk for Life - StoneBridge members share their impressions and experiences after participating at Love Life’s Walk for Life on Latrobe Drive.

Our LifeBridge group gathered with hundreds in Charlotte for the Love Life week 40 - Celebrate Life Prayer walk. For the last 40 weeks, each Saturday morning, people from local churches prayed and walked around the largest abortion clinic in the Southeast. We didn’t have to go far, as this clinic on Latrobe Drive is in our backyard. While we worshiped, heard amazing stories of grace and redemption, we joyfully observed precious children on site whose mothers chose life because of the actions of this movement. However, the somber realization for me was that just 50 yards away, 30 babies were being killed in the abortion process. These children will never grow up to fulfill their unique purpose that God had created them to do. This genocide against the pre-born should awaken the church. As a House of Refuge, what else can we (SBCC, you and me) do to love our neighbor? Our desire is to help confused moms, provide life-giving options, and come alongside these mothers and fathers in crisis. Our actions can help save those babies made in the image of God.  - Diane Rothwell

I think what stood out to me is the phrase I heard from one of the pastors, which is that the church needs to be there from the womb to the tomb.  For myself...what has stood out over the past several months is that God did not call us to a life of comfort.   - Christine Smathers 

What impacted me Saturday was the sea of brothers and sisters in turquoise shirts - the many adults, kids, differing races giving testimony, celebrating, and being reminded of what God is doing in and through his people. It was a day of joyful celebration! - David Vroon 

I was moved and convicted by the fact that babies are dying on my watch. That I (and my fellow Christians) are complicit in the deaths because we are allowing abortion to occur and not doing more to stop it. - Sabrina Yelton

I was impressed with the testimony of a young woman who had a 9 month old baby with her who she said prays with her. She said she currently had a 13 year old and the 9 month old and in between had four abortions. After she heard the Gospel, she knew she could abort no longer. When I heard this I thought it was a great example of how no matter how far we have fallen, there is no pit too deep and no sin too grievous from which Jesus can lift us back to the arms of the Father. Though I was already crying, I really cried when her 9 month old, named Nazareth, finished her talk by saying, “Hallelujah!”  - Tommy Kiker


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