Invest in a Child,
Change a Generation!

Sponsors are called godparents because they are more than just financial contributors. Godparents carry a relational presence into the life of a student.
What is involved in being a sponsor? Each August new children are available to be matched with a sponsor.  Updated pictures and information about your godchild will be provided each year.   Sponsors will receive communication for their godchild at least three times a year, and also have opportunity to communicate back to their student.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child once one becomes available, complete the interest form, or email

From a Sponsor
“I was able to watch an entire school program online. Those children were precious and what a lot of love and time went into putting that production together. I am so very impressed and I am grateful that I am able to be a part of the support. Thank you for all of the special things that you all do to make us godparents feel more a part of the school and students.”